Our International Education Mission

Welcome to iSERVE
International Service Education
Research Vision Empowerment

“Educating Leaders for a Globalized World”
iSERVE: International Service Education Research Vision Empowerment iSERVE is on a mission to develop thought leaders through international experiential education, mentor connections, guest speakers, and direct personal & professional development services. The iSERVE philosophy is that our globalized world requires successful people who are adaptable, multi-skilled, and prepared to thrive working in varied environments. People must learn and adapt quickly while being great speakers, motivators, social media experts, managers, multi-lingual, cross-cultural, and service minded to add value to their communities, organizations, or networks.


We love to  engage in global activities and show what is possible to the world.









In our time of the more globalized world, we (The iSERVE team) challenge the norm and dare to go where others will not; assisting people, communities, businesses, governments, and stakeholders obtain resources and skills to empower themselves and to succeed. ​ Our talented team members and associates are experienced in bringing together the people, organizations, and resources required to promote and sustain progress. ​ For ultimate success and self-fulfillment, we believe in service to others before self for ultimate success and self-fulfillment.


Learn how to engage in creating conflict, introducing tension, and challenging destructive institutions, organizations, or people in a way to bring about change that leads to more peace to benefit the greater good. Challenging conflict is serious business and sometimes a strong stance is required to bring about change factors that will improve current conflict conditions. 


Cultural awareness and educational programming training one on one and customized class and scenario training. The diversity of our world offers opportunities to leverage resources, skills, locations, ideas, and plans of action. Learn how to adapt to various environments and scenarios.


Understanding the needs of people is important because “people matter!” We provide scenario and theoretical based training to improve customer relations, personal development of networking skills, and how to operate in various types of global environments. 


We believe that there are always problems in need of solutions, as well as a need to question whether innovation can lead to social improvements. We conduct ongoing research in different fields to find answers that will lead to real lives saved, money earned for people, and policies changes for the better.


We will help you with personal and professional development skills and acquiring access to mentors. Your road-map will not be straight. We encourage the not so usual path because that is what forms great leaders with varied experience. We challenge you to take on opportunities and help you realize your potential to overcome the barriers that others put up for you, as well as the barriers you put up yourself.


 It’s not enough to just run a business or give back to society. We want to make sure that people are learning new methods to form a hybrid of mixing traditional business with a socially beneficial set of products or resources to help communities empower themselves to become sustainable and secure systems tackling social problems.

Bogdan  Interviewed by El Universal Media

View Interview

Some of our past activities: 
Strategic Planning & Social Impact Rapid Development

Some of our past activities:
Digital Marketing Seminar

Some of our past activities:

International Diplomacy and Professional diplomacy Conference

Some of our past activities:
Summer Living Room Conversations @ Hera Hub

Some of our past activities:

Interview about human connection


“In a 21st-century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there’s an Internet connection, where a child born in Dallas is now competing with a child in New Delhi, where your best job qualification is not what you do, but what you know — education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it’s a prerequisite for success.”
-Former U.S. President Barack H. Obama

“Every problem in the world, every global conflict whether it takes place hundreds of thousands of miles away, or right next door, is a global one. It’ll take a global effort with global citizens to stop them. We have a duty to protect each other as humans. It is time that we worked on improving the present, before many more people have to suffer.”
– Hayagrish | VoicesofYouth.org Forum

“60 percent of all respondents [senior managers of U.S. companies] reported that the hiring and promotion strategy of their companies acknowledge the importance of a study abroad experience.”
– The Value of International Education to U.S. Business and Industry Leaders: Key Findings from a Survey of CEOs

[Students need to] “be educated to develop habits of the mind that embrace tolerance, a commitment to cooperation, an appreciation of our common humanity, and a sense of responsibility—key elements of global competence. However, not enough is being done in public schools and class-rooms to expose students to global issues. Research shows that most American students, low-income and minority groups in particular, lag behind their peers in other countries in their knowledge of world geography, foreign languages, and cultures.”
– National Education Association Policy Brief | Education Policy and Practice Department

“The [2015] report found that over the next year around half of companies anticipate an increase in the use of permanent transfers (54%), developmental and training assignments (50%), and locally hired foreigners (47%). Anne Rossier-Renaud, principal in Mercer’s global mobility business, said that “The increased diversification of assignment types adds complexity, which can result in potential compliance and policy challenges for HR and mobility directors,” she said. “However, it also creates opportunities to positively impact the overall business strategy by mobilizing key resources in more flexible and cost effective ways.””
– HR Magazine United Kingdom 

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